Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate certification by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) is the foundational step in mastering Kubernetes. Take the below test to see whether you are ready for the KCNA certification exam.

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Questions are randomly generated from a large question bank to give a unique set for every attempt.

KCNA Practice Exam Free

Free KCNA Practice Exam.

1 / 20

How can you automate the build, test and deployment of an application?

2 / 20

Flux is built with the ____________.

3 / 20

Flux and ArgoCD are popular GitOps tools. They use a push-based approach.

4 / 20

Observability is the same as monitoring. True or False?

5 / 20

Which of the following is typical telemetry data?

6 / 20

How can you show the logs of a previously terminated container named ruby in the web-1 pod?

7 / 20

What do you call the pattern where you add a second container to your pod to collect and ship logs?

8 / 20

What is a good format for structured logging?

9 / 20

What kind of software is Prometheus?

10 / 20

What is the front end for Kubernetes control plan

11 / 20

A Git Ops framework that use pull-based approach___

12 / 20

You are implementing a Kubernetes cluster for a corporate client with large number of microservices. You want to trace the service requests, store the traces and analyse it in case of a failure. How would you do that in an efficient way?

13 / 20

You have implemented Prometheus ecosystem to monitor your Kubernetes cluster and collecting various metrices. You want to create an alert when certain metrices reaches their threshold. What is the easiest way to achieve that?

14 / 20

Tool used to build dashboards from the metrics collected by Prometheus___

15 / 20

Querying language provided by Prometheus to query data stored in its time series database?

16 / 20

Core metrix provided by Prometheus data model___

17 / 20

A log storage solution used for Kubernetes clusters?

18 / 20

A method that can be used to collect log data and ship it to a central store___

19 / 20

Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler (KEDA) is a partnership between ___

20 / 20

An event driven autoscaler used in Kubernetes?

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Additional Reading


Linux Foundation Training Portal


about THE certification

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate certification by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) is the foundational step in mastering Kubernetes. Take the below test to see whether you are ready for the KCNA certification exam.

cloudqns question bank

Questions are randomly generated from a question bank, so you will get a different set each time you attempt. You need to score at least 45 out of 60 to pass. 

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