Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate certification by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) is the foundational step in mastering Kubernetes. Take the below test to see whether you are ready for the KCNA certification exam.

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Buy the lifetime subscription of unlimited version for just $4.99! Questions in unlimited version are generated randomly from a huge question bank, so each exam will present a unique set of questions. Essential practice before you attempt the actual certification exam!

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Free KCNA practice exam for you to try. 20 randomly selected questions from the question bank.



KCNA Practice exam Unlimited!

60 questions selected from the huge question bank. Score 45 to pass the test.

Additional Reading


Linux Foundation Training Portal


about THE certification

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate certification by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) is the foundational step in mastering Kubernetes. Take the below test to see whether you are ready for the KCNA certification exam.

cloudqns question bank

Questions are randomly generated from a question bank, so you will get a different set each time you attempt. You need to score at least 45 out of 60 to pass. 

welcome your feedback

Please send feedback/comments to support@cloudqns.co.uk. Please register to get updates on question bank refresh and new exams added.