Learning that is relevant
Try out practice exams for certifications that are in demand in the current job market
Stepping stone to success
Unlimited attempts. Try again if you don’t succeed first time. New questions every time.
From free to a nominal charge
We started charging a nominal charge for KCNA exams. AZ900 exams continue to be free.
Feedback welcome
Let’s know how cloudqns practice exams helped you. We would love to hear from you.
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate
KCNA is a new certification introduced by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
to introduce developers to the world of containers and microservices.
Try out the practice exams before you attempt the actual test.
Azure Fundamentals for the start of your Azure journey
AZ900 is the foundation for Azure certifications. Starting point of your Azure certification journey. Try unlimited number of practice exams here before you attempt the real one.

cloudqns mission
Making cloud learning accessible to everyone
At cloudqns, we believe learning should be affordable and accessible to everyone. Starting small, but dreaming big!
We are continuously working on introducing new practice exams. Let us know what you would like to see in future.